Groww MF ELSS Tax Saver Fund 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of ABSL Crisil IBX AAA Financial Services Index Sep 2027 Fund Reg IDCW Payout

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
10-01-2025 10.1003
09-01-2025 10.0984
08-01-2025 10.098
07-01-2025 10.0963
06-01-2025 10.0939
03-01-2025 10.088
02-01-2025 10.084
01-01-2025 10.0877
31-12-2024 10.0858
30-12-2024 10.0832
27-12-2024 10.077
26-12-2024 10.0739
24-12-2024 10.0684
23-12-2024 10.0669
20-12-2024 10.0607
19-12-2024 10.0609
18-12-2024 10.0659
17-12-2024 10.0649
16-12-2024 10.0661
13-12-2024 10.0599
12-12-2024 10.0649
11-12-2024 10.0606
10-12-2024 10.0606
09-12-2024 10.0543
06-12-2024 10.0522
05-12-2024 10.0545
04-12-2024 10.0522
03-12-2024 10.0436
02-12-2024 10.0409
29-11-2024 10.028
28-11-2024 10.0215
27-11-2024 10.0239
26-11-2024 10.0242
25-11-2024 10.0231
22-11-2024 10.017
21-11-2024 10.0162
19-11-2024 10.0133
18-11-2024 10.0102
14-11-2024 10.0032

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